About the Society
The South Australian Archaeology Society (SAAS) is currently an online group only. We exist for those interested in South Australia's archaeology, cultural heritage, and history. We started as the Society for Underwater Historical Research (SUHR) in 1974, but we expanded in 2012 under the name South Australian Archaeology Society (SAAS) to reflect an expanded interest and participation in other archaeological disciplines.
South Australia has a long history of avocational participation in maritime archaeology. SUHR was established by recreational divers to pursue a range of high-profile maritime projects including shipwreck surveys and recovery of significant maritime objects.
Before we became an online group, we ran events such as public lectures, field work (in association with the SA Dept for Environment and Water), participated in the Big Anchor Project (www.biganchorproject.com), and supported the PLUNGE UNESCO ratification initiative.
Our Society has now been deregistered as an incorporated organisation, just after reaching our 50th anniversary in 2024. We will, however, continue as a Facebook group and maintain our public library (via the Marine Life Society of South Australia) and our blog