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More Passengers Who Arrived in South Australia on HMS Buffalo in 1836

Steve Reynolds

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Further to, a recent Facebook post said that the final place of rest of an early pioneer who came on the HMS Buffalo is in the Cudlee Creek cemetery.

Ian Baines' photo of Cudlee Creek cemetery (with mist clearing in the morning)

Ian Baines posted the above photo of the Cudlee Creek cemetery on the Cemeteries of South Australia Facebook page, along with this photo of the grave of Warwick Langley: -

Ian Baines' photo of Warwick Langley's grave in the Cudlee Creek cemetery

Warwick Langley is said to have "Arrived in the ship Buffalo 1836".

Another post on the same Facebook page said Another person he would have travelled with on the Buffalo is buried in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.

Yet another post on the same Facebook page said A John and Susannah Adams, are on the same passenger list as Warwick Langley, arriving on the Buffalo, at Holdfast Bay, on Dec 28th 1836. (Governor John Hindmarsh, the first SA governor of SA, is also included on the same list.)

The web page found at Adams Descendants website – The descendants of John William and Susanna Adams ( confirms that "John William and Susanna Adams arrived in South Australia with Governor Hindmarsh on the HMS Buffalo in 1836."

The web page found at John William Adams (1805-1893) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree states "John William Adams, Born 28 Feb 1805 in Portsea, Hampshire, England .... Husband of Susanna (Fabian) Adams ..... Died 16 Jul 1893 at age 88 in Snowtown, South Australia, "

Place of Burial:

Whitwarta, South Australia

Wikipedia says that Whitwarta is "almost halfway between the Clare Valley and Skilly Hills to the East and the Southern Hummocks Ranges to the West".

Ian Baines has since sent me these two photos of another grave to be found in the Cudlee Creek cemetery, belonging to a Robert Fox who is also said to have arrived in South Australia on HMS Buffalo in 1836: -

My thanks go to Ian Baines for his assistance with the above details.

(It has since come to light that the above-mentioned Robert Fox, whose grave is located at the Cudlee Creek Cemetery, was the Great, great, great grandfather of Bill Jeffery - William Jeffery who is now Associate Professor at University of Guam.)



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