Two anchors from Matthew Flinders’ Investigator were raised by members of the Underwater Explorers Club of South Australia in 1973. The large bower anchor has already been discussed at , , , and many other blogs.

We now have the opportunity to post some photos of the recovery of the small stream anchor from the Investigator, and the ship that helped to raise it (Cape Don).

According to , “A wrought iron, fisherman’s style stream anchor from Matthew Flinders’ ship, the Investigator. The anchor was cut away from HMS Investigator in the Recherche Archipelago in May 1803 during Matthew Flinders’ circumnavigation of Australia. The anchor was recovered from Goose Island Bay in 1973.”
Here are some photos of the raising of the anchor: -

According to Exhibition anchored to 25 years of collecting | National Museum of Australia, "The anchor, which is three metres long and weighs about 400 kilograms, is part of the National Museum collection but has never been seen in Canberra. It was on loan to the Western Australian Maritime Museum for 20 years. The anchor was cut loose off the coast of Esperance during Flinders’ 1803 voyage."

(We thanks Doug & Mara Seton and the Underwater Explorers Club of South Australia for the above photos of the raising of the small stream anchor from HMS Investigator.)