Relatives of mine recently visited the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village at Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. They sent me some photos of a couple of cannon there.

After posting the photos to the Big Cannon Facebook page, I did some online searching for details regarding the cannon.

According to the web page found at , the barrel of the cannon is a 68-pounder Low Moor, smooth bore. The slide and carriage are made from unrestored teak.

Further, "a 68 Pounder Muzzle Loading Smooth Bore cast in 1861 at the equally august Low Moor Foundry, number 10310 and now located on the lawn area at the entrance to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. It is still mounted on its original wooden garrison carriage. Its wooden slide compressor mechanism is fragile and now kept in Flagstaff Hill’s storage."
The barrel of this cannon under cover has some rust and the carriage is in poor condition:-

The barrel of the cannon out in the open is in much better condition, as is the carriage: -

Here is a close-up photo of the barrel of the outside cannon, showing a royal insignia: -

Frans Weijer pointed out that the insignia is for "George 3 Rex" (King George III, King of Great Britain & Ireland from 1760 until his death in 1820.)
This trunnion (a cylindrical protrusion used as a mounting or pivoting point) is stamped "80837 Carron 1813": -

Frans Weijer suggested that we take a look at the web page "Carron Guns – Falkirk Local History Society" (
Adrian Roads says, "For a full document covering these guns (Warnambool, Port Fairy & Portland) I recommend getting a copy of 'Victorian Guns and Carriages' Conservation Management Plan - ARCHAEO Cultural Heritage Services Report February 2009. Those three councils, along with Heritage Victoria, commissioned that 143 page report."
(Photos taken by Kevin & Jacqui Gower)